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BY TEAM BOCA LEADER ALICE COURT Last Saturday, April 29, Boca Grande participated in the National PanCan Purple Stride e…

The Basin Sailing Yacht Club (BSYC) held its annual “Island Championships” on Sunday, April 23 at the Boc…

They’re baa-ack! Those loggerhead friends we know and love have returned to our beaches and have started to nest. Gaspar…

The Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast (CFGC) is delighted to…

To the Editor: I was stunned by the article published in the Boca Beacon on April 14 regarding the Historic Board Meetin…

To the Editor: The Boca Grande Historical Society (BGHS) understands the frustration of watching the landmarks we identi…

Patricia Bowler Leggat, longtime Cohasset, Mass. resident, died peacefully on April 20, 2023, surrounded by her loving fami…

If Marty McFadden refers to someone as “kind of an odd duck,” you know he really enjoys being around them. He always has hi…

Whispering Bench demolished The Whispering Bench is gone. Early Saturday morning heavy equipment operators came and beg…