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December 1, 2023
At their upcoming Dec. 5, 2023 Board of County Commissioners meeting, Lee County will vote on a new contract for “population control services for black spiny-tailed iguanas” on Gasparilla Island…

December 1, 2023
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again.” Lewis Carroll There is now a great push t…

December 1, 2023
From the Grand Ole Opry stage to Boca Grande, bluegrass and the Americana duo, Darin and Brooke Aldridge, will be performing at the Community Center in Boca Grande on Monday, Dec. 11. The Aldridg…

December 1, 2023
Almost ten years ago, James Blaha joined the Board of Directors of the Boca Grande Historical Society, and he and Rose Marie Blaha began to volunteer at the History Center. Their combined backgr…

December 1, 2023
Island School bomb threat: The Island School had a bomb threat on the afternoon of Tues., Nov. 28. An email from Christine Oliver, head of the school, reported that a call was received on the school…

December 1, 2023
A resident heading back home to Boca Grande had his most recent work of art, a Betsy Ross flag made of shark’s teeth, stolen while he stopped somewhere between Tampa and home. “The flag was t…

December 1, 2023
The Boca Grande Health Clinic earned another three-year accreditation by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care. The Clinic underwent and passed AAAHC’s rigorous two-day inspection…

December 1, 2023
Gasparilla Island State Park is finishing a restoration project to remove invasive plants from the southern half of the island, north of Boca Grande Pass. Restoration projects are frequently und…

December 1, 2023
The downtown streets of Boca Grande were completely filled Saturday evening for the annual Christmas Walk. While some retailers were closed for the evening festivities, most were open, offering drin…

December 1, 2023
Tuesday, Lighthouse United Methodist Church blessed their wooden steeple cross in an outdoor ceremony led by the Rev. Daphne Johnson, the church’s senior pastor.  At the ceremony, the Rev. J…