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■ STAFF REPORT One special night a year the Lighthouse beacon shines into the night sky, surrounded by thousands of beauti…

■ STAFF REPORT Boca Blooms will host the Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce December Chamber Mixer on Thursday, Dec. 19 …

■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE The Beach Club rehabilitation, a taller garage vs. a small house, and giving contributing status to a …

■ BY SUSAN ERWIN Retired NASA astronaut Dr. Kathryn Sullivan explai…

■ BY SUSAN ERWIN Dr. Robert Hueter is what some people may call a s…

■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE Some people stand out in a crowd, and for all different reasons. Some draw attention for their looks, …

■ BY DAVID SPARKS A one-act, one-hour Noel Coward play, buffet dinner by the Pass Club’s Michael Klocinski, some of our fa…

■ BY SUE ERWIN When Elizabeth “Kay” Gibson recently spent some time in Boca Grande, she recalled when she and her husband …

■ BY SUE ERWIN Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno visited Boca Grande on Wednesday, Dec. 11 to present a check to help fun…

■ STAFF REPORT Finding the perfect gift for some people is very difficult, which can make Christmas shopping a little less…