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ECOWATCH: Valentine love tributes to a tree

February 10, 2022
By Delores Savas
Almost every year Ecowatch has written love quotes from poets who have exclaimed the power and joy of love between man and women, animals sharing love and other venues of love. However, there is another pathway to love that is too often overlooked and that is the love of trees and what they wish to share with all of us.            

Nestled under a mighty bow seeking shade on a sun drenched day                                                                  Stealing a kiss for the here and now  trying to find immortal things to say. Entranced with love and dappled green,                                                             Tied to the earth with water and light.                                                                        A place in time made so serene,                                                                                A gift of rest by misted moonlight.                                                                            Oh love tree grows not just for me                                                                              But for all to embrace eternity.                                                                                   – Gardin


 Almost every year Ecowatch has written love quotes from poets who have exclaimed the power and joy of love between man and women, animals sharing love and other venues of love. However, there is another pathway to love that is too often overlooked and that is the love of trees and what they wish to share with all of us.                                                                                            

Now, too many will scoff at this idea, and think how can one love a tree and feel its response?

First, a quick tale of a whispering pine that graced my property when I lived on the outskirts of town. It was a stately guy; its branches reached for the sky and my, it could whistle softly when the wind traveled through its branches. Many a windy day I sat by its shadow, read a book and listen to its song.

Many told me I should chop it down because if a hurricane came it would fall directly on my house. I told them it would not. Sure enough, Hurricane Charlie came through with a vengeance on August 13, 2004, roaring in with the sounds of a locomotive, taking everything with it … including my majestic pine.

However, my whistling pine did not fall on my house, but right next to it. A love story, yes.

The insurance man said the tree saved my house. I missed its stately presence for a long time to come.

Since then, studies have shown that trees do communicate with one another, protect and nurture each other and, in my search for love stories with trees, I found quotes from poets and also from acquaintances who were more than willing to share their love for tree.                                       


“The Love of a Tree”

-penned by Diane Piette                                                                                                          

Is to be truly known                                                                                     

By another 

Walking by                                                                                                                            

Held in an invisible embrace                                                             

Encircled by its magic.                                                                                                                                      

It watches you with longing                                                                     

Yearns for you to see it too.                                                                              

But knows you might not believe that real love is the one where you accept.                                                                        

That is not familiar, that which cannot be seen. Yet still,

Will find you.                                                                                                                   

And always be there                                                                                                      

If only you will stop                                                                                                      

And let it know you.”                                                                                                  

The Gift of a Tree

Marilyn Weaver sent in the following written by Poet Lenore Hetrick

“Trees offer to those who love them                                                                       

A message of peace and rest,                                                                                                           

They bring the glow of a setting sun                                                                             

As it vanishes in the west.                                                                                                    

They tell you of years that swiftly pass,                                                                         

With little mark nor scar.                                                                                                                   

They tell of evenings that know naught                                                                      

But calm of evening star                                                                                         

Trees offer to those who love them                                                                             

Infinite wisdom and grace                                                                                                          

Underneath their bough’s tree lovers                                                                           

See eternity’s face.”

The following was submitted by Jiminy Cricket, a regular contributor to Eco Watch and a lover of John Muir. Jiminy offered these little jewels.

“And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul.

The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness.”   John Muir

Poet Herman Hesse poet wrote:

“Trees are sanctuaries. 

Whoever knows how to speak to them can learn the truth.”                                                                                                        

Jane Goodall wrote:

“Trees are living beings. And they have their own personalities. There are the young eager saplings all striving with each other. If you put your cheek against one of these, you almost sense the sap rising and its energy.”                                                                                                            

Poet Cristen Rodgers wrote:

“Listen closely –                                                                                                                   

Even the trees exhale                                                                                                     

Their own sweet love songs                                                                                                

That roll off out to all of creation.                                                                              

Love is always in the air.”                                                                                               

Poet Angie Weiland Crosby wrote:                                                                                       

“Along this earthen wonderland                                                                               

My heart falls in green love;                                                                                        

As I gaze awestruck to the trees                                                                                     

Sharing grace from above.”    

Lastly, no love story of trees could ever be finished without adding this immortal poem by Joyce Kilmer:

“I think that I shall never see                                                                                      

A poem lovely like a tree                                                                                                  

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest                                                                              

Against the earth, sweet flowing breast;                                                                  

A tree that looks at God all day                                                                   

And lifts her leafy arms to pray;                                                                                          

A tree that may in summer wear                                                                                 

A nest of robins in her hair                                                                                            

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;                                                                                  

Who intimately lives with rain.                                                                                    

Poems are made by fools like me                                                                             

But, only God can make a tree.“   

Wishing all a Happy Valentine’s Day. Please do go out and hug a tree and promise to protect all from harm … especially all  the mighty oaks.

For more information on the magical lives of trees read The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben