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Letters to the Editor

January 6, 2022
To the Editor: The Florida Department of Health-Lee (FDOH-Lee) and Lee County Government are collaborating to remind visitors and residents of when it’s most effective to receive COVID-19 testin…

January 6, 2022
To the Editor: The Charlotte County Property Appraiser reminds business and rental owners the deadline for filing 2022 tangible personal property tax returns is April 1, 2022. A return must…

January 6, 2022
To the Editor: The restoration of game wildlife, such as white-tailed deer, wild turkey and wood ducks, is one of the most celebrated accomplishments of modern wildlife management. The comeback…

December 30, 2021
To the Editor: People often view an approaching new year as a time for reflection – both on the year that’s passed and the road ahead. For many, a new year is a chance to reconnect with nature a…

December 30, 2021
To the Editor: The Gulf Coast Community Foundation is now accepting applications for its 2022-23 scholarship program. Applicants may visit to review scholarship requ…

December 24, 2021
To the Editor: The Boca Grande Community Center and Lee County Parks and Recreation want to thank everyone that helped make the Second Annual Holiday Hoopla a Success.  First, our sponsor…

December 24, 2021
To the Editor: Most Lee County administrative operations will be closed Thursday, Dec. 23, and Friday, Dec. 24, in observance of the Christmas holiday, as well as on Thursday, Dec. 30, and Friday…

December 18, 2021
To the Editor: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District plans to execute a two-day deviation December 14-15 that will release water from the lake as part of an ongoing sediment stud…

December 18, 2021
To the Editor: The letter to the editor last week expressing dismay at the loss of Dr. Lauren Hana from our health clinic describes clearly what so many of us are feeling. The total silence surro…

December 18, 2021
To the Editor:  I want my voice to join those that have expressed gratitude to Dr. Hana and feel her departure is a great loss to the community.  When my husband, Stanley, and I arri…