PROFILE: Tim Banfell
June 12, 2020
Life imitates art, but cartoonists draw what they see… BY OLIVIA CAMERON-Page five always comes with a splash of color, talking sharks, a peg-leg captain, tourist shenanigans or all of the above….
Three boys learned the danger of a spring tide the hard way after jumping off Causeway bridge
June 5, 2020
BY MARCY SHORTUSE- Capt. Chuck Jenks had just dropped his tarpon fishing clients off at Pine Island on the afternoon of May 19 and was looking forward to dipping some crabs at the Boca Grande swing…
GIWA 2019 water quality report available
June 5, 2020
BY BONNIE PRINGLE, GIWA- Gasparilla Island Water Association, Inc.’s 2019 Water Quality Report is now available online at This report is designed to inform our membership ab…
Three months, 200 parking citations: Most issued post-COVID beach sundown
June 5, 2020
BY OLIVIA CAMERON- After a nice day in the sun, no one wants to get back to their car to see a little paper slip flapping under the wipers. It’s that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach that…
Governor announces ‘Phase 2’ of plan to be implemented
June 5, 2020
BY MARCY SHORTUSE- Governor Ron DeSantis announced today that Phase 2 of the “Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step” plan would begin to be implemented today, Friday, June 5. DeSantis said this means that all …
Our Lady of Mercy public meeting regarding expansion to be held June 18
June 5, 2020
STAFF REPORT- A public meeting will be held by Morris-Depew Associates on Thursday, June 18 from 6 to 7 p.m., online, regarding the expansion of the Our Lady of Mercy Church Campus. The proposal is…
Have you turned in your census form yet?
June 5, 2020
STAFF REPORT- Have you filled out your census form yet? While many have had other things on their minds – to say the least – The Census Bureau reported this week that it had reached its target to g…
Historic Preservation Board to meet next week to discuss numerous request, including one from Catholic Church
June 5, 2020
STAFF REPORT-The Boca Grande Historic Preservation Board will meet for the first time in a long time, on Wednesday, June 10 at 10 a.m. in the Woman’s Club Room at the Boca Grande Community Center. …
PROFILE: Melissa Csank
June 5, 2020
BY OLIVIA CAMERON- Local realtor Melissa Csank has found the perfect blend between homes and history while listing local houses and serving on the board of the Boca Grande Historical Society. Howev…
PROFILE: Courtney Clark
May 29, 2020
For her, happiness is a well-planned event… BY OLIVIA CAMERON- Florida girl Courtney Clark is familiar with Boca Grande’s beaches. After spending most of her childhood in Southwest Florida, she’s…