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BY BOOTS TOLSDORF – With no lines to memorize this year for RPP, (yea!) I have turned to other endeavors, not unlike most …

BY TONYA BRAMLAGE – Although one can never fully know the daily sights that will be seen while spending a day outdoors her…

Barbara Ketcham Leiter, age 76, passed from this life March 4, 2021 at the Venice Florida Regional Bayfront Hospital in th…

BY T MICHELE WALKER – When COVID-19 struck our world last year and …

To the Editor: Well, hello again to the residents of Boca Grande. We had another power surge/outage on Sunday night at 11 …

Dear Editor, On January 29, 2021 Claude “Allen” Sparks passed away from a rare blood disorder named Amyloidosis. Allen was…

BY MARK DRISCOLL, CEO OF THE BOCA GRANDE HEALTH CLINIC – Managing the stress of a pandemic was the topic of the recent Gra…

At left, Dennis Ross offered up some visual aids to argue for the NHR proposal. Photo by Susan H BY SUSAN HANAFEE – Suppor…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE – It seems as though a local pair we reported on last year named Candy and Aaliyah have exceeded all exp…