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Almost ten years ago, James Blaha joined the Board of Directors of the Boca Grande Historical Society, and he and Rose…

Island School bomb threat: The Island School had a bomb threat on the afternoon of Tues., Nov. 28. An email from Christine…

A resident heading back home to Boca Grande had his most recent work of art, a Betsy Ross flag made of shark’s teeth, stole…

The Boca Grande Health Clinic earned another three-year accreditatio…

Gasparilla Island State Park is finishing a restoration project to r…

The downtown streets of Boca Grande were completely filled Saturday evening for the annual Christmas Walk. While some retai…

Tuesday, Lighthouse United Methodist Church blessed their wooden steeple cross in an outdoor ceremony led by the Rev. Daphn…

The Boca Grande Sleuths book club kicks off a season of mystery, mayhem and murder on Tuesday, December 12 with the twi…

The Gasparilla Island Tennis Classic dates for 2024 have been set. The tournament, sponsored by the Boca Beacon’s p…

Each year, the Boca Beacon publishes a guide to all things Gasparilla Island, the Boca Beacon Visitor’s Guide. The annual p…