Our turtles are coming back!
May 4, 2023
They’re baa-ack! Those loggerhead friends we know and love have returned to our beaches and have started to nest.
Gasparilla Island Park Ranger Bryon Maxwell has reported five loggerhead nests on…
Photo contest hosted by CFGC ends May 31
May 4, 2023
The Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast (CFGC) is delighted to announce the return of their virtual Summer Photo Contest. Entering its fourth year, this annual event invites photographers of a…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Islander against Clinic plan to be discussed at BGHPB meeting next week
May 4, 2023
To the Editor:
I am writing to ask for your support in OPPOSING the plans the Boca Grande Clinic has submitted to Lee County to build a 13,299 square foot medical building at the cost of $35 mill…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Island resident really upset about, well … us
May 4, 2023
To the Editor:
I was stunned by the article published in the Boca Beacon on April 14 regarding the Historic Board Meeting on April 12. One paragraph is full of inaccuracies and starts with…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: BGHS clarifies their position
May 4, 2023
To the Editor:
The Boca Grande Historical Society (BGHS) understands the frustration of watching the landmarks we identify as home being lost to time. While history benchmarks itself on safeguard…
May 4, 2023
If Marty McFadden refers to someone as “kind of an odd duck,” you know he really enjoys being around them. He always has his ear tuned to hearing the previously untold story and the inside details t…
April 27, 2023
Whispering Bench demolished
The Whispering Bench is gone. Early Saturday morning heavy equipment operators came and began to gouge it out of the earth, while Boca Grande residents gathered aroun…
Nope, it’s not a coconut
April 27, 2023
Island beachgoer finds something a bit unusual
Here’s something that doesn’t happen every day. It was on Tuesday last week that Artist Lisa McQueen was kicked back at her favorite beach spo…
BGWC announces community grant, scholarship awards
April 27, 2023
Submitted by the Boca Grande Woman’s Club
Since its founding in the fall of 1948, the Boca Grande Woman’s Club has consistently fulfilled its mission of community improvement through contribution…
‘Hearts Filled With Love’; PanCan event this Saturday, April 29
April 27, 2023
By Boots Tolsdorf
Where have your “Hearts” gone?
They have landed on Ann Fletcher’s Christmas tree!
In December of 2022, a member of our RPP family, Priscilla Masselink, was diagnosed with…