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Breaking: Lee County pursues public parking restrictions across Boca Grande and Gasparilla Island

June 4, 2024
By Staff Report

The Lee County Board of Commissioners unanimously voted for Commissioner and Vice Chairman Kevin Ruane to work with county staff to develop a proposed parking plan for the Lee County portion of Gasparilla Island during its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, June 4. 

Vice Chairman Ruane presented the parking as a commissioners’ item that was added to a last minute revised agenda on Monday, June 3, at 4:40 p.m.. The original agenda, which did not include this item, was distributed May 31 at 3:45 p.m.

The parking plan would, according to an email sent today by Commissioner Ruane to the Beacon:

  1. Implement a “tiered parking program for residents, business, and visitors.”
  2. Establish a 2-hour limit for parking in the commercial district.
  3. Limit use of Gilchrist Avenue median parking to “regular church services and create a ‘special use’ permit for weddings, funerals, and special events.”
  4. Limit or prohibit parking on East Railroad north of 5th Street.
  5. Design new signage and increase fines for those not in compliance.

The motion and second were adopted 4-0 with Commissioner Cecil Pendergrass absent. The next step will be for staff, led by Commissioner Ruane, to develop a detailed parking plan, which will need to be brought back to the Board of Commissioners for final approval at an unspecified, later date.

Last Tuesday, the Rev. Daphne Johnson of Lighthouse United Methodist Church sent an email to church members regarding the possibility of new parking restrictions, particularly on Gilchrist Avenue. The church asked respondents to write to commissioners and county administration no later than June 10. Those who sent the email got the following response:

“Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on Gilchrist Avenue. We understand there may be some confusion in the community. Lee County Administration and the Lee County Attorney’s Office have received your comments related to parking on Gilchrist Avenue on Boca Grande. Any changes to parking policies related to Gilchrist Avenue would be initiated and approved by the Board of County Commissioners, not by Lee County Administration or the Lee County Attorney’s Office.  

“There is no scheduled agenda item related to this issue for the next meeting, which is Tuesday, June 4. In fact, currently there are no agenda items on this issue for any Board of County Commissioners meeting. 

The item on the agenda was presented as a second item, Boca Grande Parking, as a “Commissioner Item.

Below, readers can watch the presentation here. The video begins mid meeting:

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