State Park ideas withdrawn; input still needed on future plan
A state-wide Great Outdoors Initiative by Florida Department of Environmental Protection, which aims to add amenities like…
Charles Blanchard, 1943-2024
Charles E. “Chuck” or “Charlie” Blanchard, age 80, passed away on August 17, 2024 at his home in Gardnerville, Nevada. He w…
IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Michigan to Boca Grande Preschool, Jackie Eby
Being known as a jack of all trades is a good thing. It means you are versatile, resourceful, multi-talented and able to mo…
Golf carts fore-bidden on roadways
New signs reminding residents that golf carts are prohibited on cert…
Fust Library closed temporarily from Sept. 23 to Oct. 1
Johann Fust Community Library will be closed temporarily beginning M…
Letters: Appreciation for Delores Savas on windmills
To the Editor:
I wish to thank Ms. Savas for her eye-opening article on wind turbines (Aug. 23, 2024 issue). The ineffic…
Rip currents are by far the biggest beach hazard
You would think that the TV weather reporter, being the professional that they report to be, woul…
Get in touch with your local government. It only takes one.
In the last year we have had multiple situations where individuals stepped out, said something, called a neighbor, called a…
Reserve a spot in the upcoming 2025 Boca Beacon Visitor’s Guide
The Boca Beacon’s award-winning Visitor’s Guide is now in the planning stages. This is the time to reserve your spot fo…
EcoWatch: Let’s look at the other side of wind turbines
“Industrial-scale wind turbines can cause significant harm to the environment, wildlife, and people. The wind’s low-power d…