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Residents of Boca Grande in Lee County with leftover concrete debris from Hurricane Milton are reminded to dispose of it pr…

State contractors are currently removing debris from navigable waterways in Charlotte County. They have collected more than…

On Friday, Nov. 22, an incident was reported of a loose dog on Palm Avenue and Fourth Street, according to a Lee County She…

Jewelry, watercolors, oils The Englewood Invitational Fall Art Fe…

In recent weeks there have been a number of demolition permits in pr…

BY JAMES J. BLAHA, DIRECTOR, BOCA GRANDE HISTORY CENTER After many years of bringing my family to Florida for vacations…

Across the island, sand deposited inland has gone back out on the beach. With the tides from each day, they are quickly mov…

A gift that keeps on giving. It’s that time of year when we give gifts to people we love and appreciate. What better gift t…

The annual Tree Lighting Ceremony, sponsored by the Boca Grande Woman’s Club, will be held on Sunday, Dec. 8, at 5 p.m…

Alternative temporary sites are being considered for the Boca Grande Preschool after suffering major damage from Hurricanes…