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BY THOMAS ERVIN, MD BOCA GRANDE HEALTH CLINIC October is again Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Articles and programs…

The Barrier Island Parks Society, is excited to announce the formal launch of their new website The contempor…

The Venice Symphony is excited to announce that it is open for business. It was one year ago, September 2020 when The …

Salmon always return to the same river where they were hatched. It…

Heather Gardner, born to Tom and Beverly Gardner on November 16, 1…

The Englewood Community Care Clinic wants to spread the word, “Feel for lumps. Save your bumps.” October is Breast Can…

Listen up, all you Halloween ghosts and goblins, because this year’s Boca Grande Halloween festivities will be just a lit…

Developed by the U.S. Army in 1946, DEET is a synthetic chemical that provides one to six hours of total protection again…

Submitted by the Boca Grande History Center The Boca Grande Historical Society is making changes to its staff and offi…

Island travelers come and go to Boca Grande daily and they all must cross over GIBA’s faithful swing bridge. But did you …