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The Florida Department of Environment Protection is hosting a meeting of the Blue-Green Algae Task Force at 11 a.m. on Tues…

On May 21, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act sponsored by Rep. Greg Steube (R-Fl…

The 2024 World’s Richest Tarpon Tournament concluded last night in Boca Grande. Overall, there were 133 tarpon caught on bo…

Over 60 residents came to the Community Center of Boca Grande on Fri…

“We are notorious for ‘running around self-righteously declaring our…

BY CAPT. WILL WATERHOUSE As the wind has started to lay down a bit, lots of tarpon are being caught on the beaches, in t…

Several faces in new places around the island. Michael Saunders & Co. welcome (from left) Tanner Stewart, Julie Horning…

BY CAPT. VAN HUBBARD Tarpon were so abundant that big game sportfishing was created here. The giant fish splashing an…

To the Editor:  Thank you for weekly coverage which reminded Islanders to donate their non-perishable food to Engle…

This week, the English comedian and actor Russell Brand held a podcast discussion on God with scientist Bret Weinstein.&nbs…