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Letters to the Editor

April 29, 2016
Letter to the Editor,      To maintain safe and efficient traffic flow at all times through the toll booths, along the causeway and along the Intercoastal waterway. To make fair and balanced decision…

April 22, 2016
To the Editor: In my hometown of Nashua, New Hampshire, we had a beautiful outdoor space known as Greeley Park. Bridal parties from around the area would come to Greeley Park to have their wedding pi…

April 22, 2016
Letter to the Editor, The Boca Grande Historical Society would like to thank our members, volunteers, sponsors, donors, the Board and directors for your continued support and kindness. We had one of…

April 15, 2016
Letter to the Editor; Like the tides on the beaches of Boca Grande, seasonal vehicles come and go with both predictability and occasional extraordinary highs. Each new seasonal tide provides us with…

April 8, 2016
Letter to the Editor; Most people know by now about the BG Haiti project that has been taking place for the last seven years. In that time period, this generous community has donated $1,650,000 to b…

March 25, 2016
To the Editor: Thank you for Sue Erwin’s accurate and evenhanded reporting on the Parking Advisory meeting on Wednesday, March 16 – with one important correction. Those of us living on b…

March 18, 2016
  To the Editor: The Boca Grande Firefighters would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who came out for our Rib Feast on Sunday. The overwhelming show of support by the community…

March 18, 2016
  To the Editor: Before much more time slips away from me, I would like to thank the Boca Grande community for rising to the occasion and supporting my two concerts on February 23. Not only did…

March 18, 2016
To the Editor: The Boca Grande Firefighters would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who came out for our Rib Feast on Sunday. The overwhelming show of support by the community was more…

March 11, 2016
To the Editor: The paranoid Boca Grande Society of Social Engineering strikes again, and this time its random target is tour buses. I wonder how much a school bus weighs. I wonder how much the blood…