Letters to the Editor
In response to saying goodbye to My Halo
June 8, 2018
To the Editor: This is in response to the letter to the editor regarding the recent exit of our local private-pay assistants from My Halo. Many thanks go out to Michael and Grace and their team for t…
Many thanks for the support
June 8, 2018
To the Editor: I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for their cards, love, and support. Thank you especially for the amazing orchids, they were Bob’s favorite. I don’t think he trul…
Recreational red snapper season starts June 11 in Gulf state and federal waters
June 8, 2018
To the Editor: The recreational red snapper season will start June 11 in Gulf state and federal waters and remain open through July 20, closing July 21. This year and next year are unique compared to…
Online food drive in progress, but it ends soon
June 8, 2018
To the Editor: Hi everyone, The Harry Chapin Food Bank has been selected as a local beneficiary of the global CenturyLink Campaign to Fight Hunger, a virtual food drive which runs now through June 15…
Senator issued photo contest challenge
June 8, 2018
To the Editor: Florida Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto invites you to particiate in a Southwest Florida photo contest. There are beautiful places and unforgettable moments that take place around our area…
New anti-hunger task force formed in Charlotte County
June 1, 2018
To the Editor: The Harry Chapin Food Bank has formed a new collaboration aimed at fighting hunger in Charlotte County, including some of its partner agencies, other nonprofit organizations, governmen…
Island resident has some questions to be answered
June 1, 2018
To the Editor: I’ve been thinking after almost 40 years of being an owner on our wonderful island there are some things that I still do not get and so I thought I would go to the place that always ha…
In defense of the island’s postal service …
June 1, 2018
To the Editor: I have frequent, regular occasion to transact business at the Boca Grande Post Office. That enables me to respond to the recent negative letters. As a practicing lawyer I mail work fro…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Canada’s biggest Beacon fans!
May 25, 2018
To the Editor: These are your loyal Northern neighbors in Montreal, who enjoy reading your paper on a weekly basis. Keep the interesting articles coming! The entire Management Team of S.R. Potten, Lt…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Who will take the place of My Halo?
May 25, 2018
To the Editor: When Grace and Michael Ott announced they were moving to Boca Grande and starting a business, My Halo, that would provide aides for people who needed help to stay at home and not have…