DOG LIFE: Food and treats for your dog
January 12, 2022
This topic is very controversial. Everyone, including pet food companies, claims to have the best food for dogs. The truth is, it depends on the individual dog. As long as your dog likes it and has…
ECOWATCH: Who is responsible for toxic algae in Florida waters?
January 12, 2022
“We have not used our water well. Our major rivers are defiled by noxious debris. Pollution from cities and industries kills fish in our streams. Many waterways are covered with oil slick and contai…
ECOWATCH: Is the web of life collapsing?
January 5, 2022
“We warned that one day you would not be able to control what you have created, and that day is here.”
– Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Lakota Native American spiritual leader …
ECOWATCH: Welcome to the New Year, but let’s remember the past
December 30, 2021
“There are winds of destiny that blow when we least expect them.
Sometimes they gust with the fury of a hurricane, sometimes they barely fan one’s cheek.
But the wind…
EcoWatch: Sharing nostalgic island memories of the past
December 24, 2021
“To bring a departed one back to life is no great magic.
Few are wholly gone;
blow on a departed man’s embers,
and a live flame will start .”
– Robert Grave…
ECOWATCH: A perfect holiday gift for our wildlife is empathy
December 18, 2021
‘’Life is precious to all creatures, as it is to us.
They also seek a life full of happiness with no …
The case of an open mind …
September 17, 2021
A cardinal prerequisite for a successful career in science is the willingness to be willing to change one’s mind as to the answer to a hypothesis…