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May 8, 2020
With today, May 8, being the end of Teacher Appreciation Week, it is very fitting that we were honored to have a teacher with more than 40 years experience share her story with us. If you have been w…

May 8, 2020
STAFF  REPORT – Island resident Capt. William Woodroffe has come through for the ladies of the island this weekend, as he has put together the 2020 Quarantine Queen Classic, scheduled for Saturday, M…

May 8, 2020
STAFF REPORT – If you’re leaving the island for your other residence soon, or even just beginning to think about it, here’s another thing to think about. Donating your non-perishables from your pantr…

May 8, 2020
STAFF REPORT – Two topics that have been the focus of islanders’ attention during the past year were covered in the recent Boca Grande Community Planning Association survey: What should be permitted…

May 8, 2020
STAFF REPORT – It’s not often you see Capt. Sandy Melvin without a buff around his neck or on his face. The soft tube of material we call a “buff” style neck gaiter not only can protect your face fro…

May 8, 2020
BY OLIVIA CAMERON – As high school course come to a close, our local high school seniors continue to recap their experience, or lack of, ending their education online. However, these local seniors se…

May 8, 2020
SUBMITTED BY THE GICIA – Construction on the GICIA’s Mercabo Cove Project continues to make steady progress. Recent construction activity is bringing visible and exciting changes to the site. TSI Dis…

May 8, 2020
STAFF REPORT – Do you know your zone? For purposes of the Boca Grande Sea Turtle Association’s Turtle Patrol, the beach has been divided into eight zones, each one patrolled daily during the six-mont…

May 8, 2020
STAFF REPORT – Island photographer Len Tatko captured these images recently documenting the story of a new killdeer family near the Pink Elephant and 4th Street. Len said he had a run-in with “mom,”…

May 8, 2020
To the Editor: Well, its 3:45 AM and I woke up early again. Last night was very disturbing to me and my mind wouldn’t stop thinking about what I heard. No, I didn’t watch the news, or the President’s…