An agnostic view of Boca Grande’s alien visits over the years
August 10, 2023
In the wake of the recent explosive hearings in the U.S. Congress on UFOs, now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, the sole report of a 1999 UFO hovering near the causeway to Boca Grande still rem…
Mote saves thousands of endangered corals amidst extremely high water temperatures
August 10, 2023
Submitted by Mote Marine Laboratory
As Florida’s coral reef experienced record-breaking heat waves starting in July, with temperatures in adjacent back reef areas reaching temperatures above 100°…
GICIA Bike Path landscape project begins
August 10, 2023
The Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association (GICIA) is pleased to announce that a Bike Path enhancement project began earlier this week. Each year summer maintenance and improvem…
Celebrate National Golf Month by warming up and cooling down
August 10, 2023
By Andrew Colburn, Boca Grande Health Clinic
Back in 1993, the Professional Golf Association deemed August National Golf Month. For the golf obsessed, this is a great excuse to get out and play a…
Lee County Commissioners to vote on new roof for Boca Grande Community Center
August 10, 2023
When Lee County Commissioners hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 15, one of the topics of discussion will be approval of the budget for the replacement of the Boca Grande Community Center r…
August 10, 2023
Amy Cyr loves music, and she has since she was very young. Now she has joined The Island School as its music teacher, and she hopes to pass that love on to the young people there.
Amy is excited…
August 10, 2023
Do you know where these shots were taken?