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Harriette (Jane) Peacock Kirkbride died peacefully on December 3, 2017 at Shell Point in Ft. Myers, Fla. She was born on F…

BY SUE ERWIN – Robert Domke has been spending summers in Southwest Florida since he was 10 years old. His grandparents liv…

■ STAFF REPORT The Barrier Island Parks Society and Florida Park Service will be holding their annual celebration of the l…

■ MARY COOK World War II historian Lynne Olson returns next week to…

‘Tis two months till ‘The Taste’ and all through our town, Christma…

■ STAFF REPORT The Boca Grande Historic Preservation Board will hold their next meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 10 a.m. i…

■ BY VINNIE PORTELL For 63 years, citizens of the Boca Grande community have gathered in the center of town to  celebrate …

■ STAFF REPORT Do you enjoy holiday crafts? Here is a perfect opportunity to makes something special this year. Learn to …

■ SUBMITTED BY THE BOCA GRANDE GARDEN CLUB At the last meeting of the Boca Grande Camera Club, island resident and club me…

■ STAFF REPORT Have you crossed the bridges to Boca Grande recently and watched people smile as they enjoy viewing the cre…