EcoWatch: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it
Just as Florida legalizes the killing of bears, now all our wildlife is under threat with Amendment 2. Make no mistake: Thi…
Report of stolen picnic table after hurricane blowout
On Tuesday, Oct. 15, Precinct Deputy Angelo Lanni responded to Gulf Boulevard in reference to a report of a stolen picnic t…
The Gasparilla Inn sets re-open for Dec. 12
The Gasparilla Inn has announced its official reopening date following ongoing recovery efforts on Gasparilla Island. The I…
Boca Grande Fire Department landscaping gets a boost
Brent Benson donated his hurricane check and landscape work to the B…
Three golf carts reported stolen in wake of storm
In the last 10 days, there have been three golf carts reported stole…
Navigation District Sets November Meet
The West Coast Inland Navigation District will hold their board meeting at 10 a.m. on November 8 at the Venice Fire Station…
Charlotte County reviews damage to Boca Grande pier, Placida ramp
The Board of Charlotte County Commissioners gave an update on Boca Grande and Placida piers at its regular meeting on Tuesd…
Park Avenue gets back in shape
Above, cleaning the neon sign at The Temp. Right, Bobby Miller delivering new equipment at Hudson’s Grocery. Below, Jor…
Boil no more
The Gasparilla Island Water Association’s boil water notice was rescinded on Monday morning, Oct. 28.
Disaster Fund for business now at $2 million of $3 million goal
A disaster fund to help some island businesses get back up and running quickly after two hurricanes is now at $2 million in…