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STAFF REPORT The family of Nicole Coleman would like to express their sincere gratitude to all of you who helped throughou…

BY LAUREN HANA, MD BOCA GRANDE HEALTH CLINIC The most recent statistics regarding COVID-19 as of this writing show that ov…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE The people who filled the audience seats at the Wednesday, March 11 Boca Grande Historic Preservation Bo…

I Silverdene Emblem O’Neill (familiarly known to my family, friends…

BY OLIVIA CAMERON Sister’s Italian American Restaurant is one of th…

STAFF REPORT This week’s topic at “Coffee with Captains,” to be held this Saturday, March 14 at 8 a.m., is “Tackle & E…

BY BOB ELLIOT I have often been accused by being a “homer.” For those not familiar with the term, it means someone who alw…

BY OLIVIA CAMERON The 2020 Ecosummit presented by the members of the Boca Grande Economics Group detailed all of the US ec…

STAFF REPORT It is time once again for the Boca Grande Bike Path Parade and Woman’s Club Spring Fair, this year to be held…

BY OLIVIA CAMERON Have you ever wondered about unfinished metal house that sits on Little Gasparilla?  If you haven’t, the…