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STAFF REPORT- New information regarding the collection of Gasparilla Island COVID-19 data has been issued by the Boca Gran…

BY MARK DRISCOLL, BOCA GRANDE HEALTH CLINIC- You can feel a change in the air. The days start getting shorter. Temperature…

STAFF REPORT- The Boca Grande Community Center’s 17th Annual Turkey Hoop Shoot Contest, sponsored by the Boca Beacon and L…

BY OLIVIA CAMERON- The community has taken precautions to ensure th…

To the Editor: Long term Suncoast Humane Society supporters, Elsa and Peter Soderberg, take on the invaluable role of Capi…

To the Editor: Lee County Solid Waste has tips for residents for the 2020 holiday season so you can recycle, know what can…

Anne-Tristram “Trissy” Holt Lomax, 86, died Saturday Oct. 31, 2020 in Placida, having lived a full and vivacious life.

Katharine Saunders Davidson Horner, devoted wife, mother and grandmother, passed away on Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2020, in Richm…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE- The Boca Grande Historic Preservation Board voted 4-2 against supporting a nomination for a portion of …