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BY MARCY SHORTUSE – While no sea turtle nests have been found yet this season on Gasparilla Island, May 1 heralds the beginn…

STAFF REPORT – If you haven’t had a chance yet this season to stop by and shop at Boca Bargains, you can draw a sigh of reli…

BY TONYA BRAMLAGE AND MARCY SHORTUSE – It’s common to hear the phrase “There is no use in dredging things up,” but when it c…

STAFF REPORT – The Basin Sailing Yacht Club held its annual “World Ch…

BY KAREN GRACE AND THE BOCA GRANDE HISTORY CENTER – The beginning of the du Pont family in Boca Grande came in 1916 or 1917…

Michael (“Mike”) A. Calahan, formerly of Boca Grande, died unexpectedly at his home in Fort Lauderdale on April 17, 2021. Mi…

BY T MICHELE WALKER – Zoom meetings are as ubiquitous as love bugs in spring. After months of coffee interviews and visits t…

Dear Editor and friends of the Boca Grande Hope For Haitians Committee,  We’ve exceeded our goal!  On behalf of the Boca Gra…

BY SUSAN HANAFEE – Excuse us for stating the obvious: The housing market in Boca Grande and environs is hotter than Florida…