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The death toll for the first half of 2021 is greater than it was in the entirety of previous years While natural selec…

The first Jay Joiner Memorial Belt Buckle was given out the year after he passed away, in 1993. The buckle is engraved wi…

BY T MICHELE WALKER – Croquet is believed to have been first played by thirteenth-century French peasants who fash…

In a 1984 Boca Beacon, the late Carey Johnson covered the origin of…

William Henry Regnery II of Boca Grande, Florida died peacefully at…

BY T MICHELE WALKER – After a summer of being closed due to COVID restrictions, musical theater summer camp is back on sta…

BY TONYA BRAMLAGE – You’ve probably seen them scattered along the bike path, in parks, or in other certain public areas. A…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE – School might be out for the summer, but the learning hasn’t stopped. At the Boca Grande Community Cent…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Elsa couldn’t make up her mind what she wanted to be when she grew up, and went back and forth from a …

BY MARCY SHORTUSE – While a meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 5 with the Florida National Register Review Board to r…