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To the Editor: Residents and tourists come to Florida’s iconic waters for recreation and enjoyment, but unfortunately …

Moving the water south seemed to be the theme of the Tuesday, Oct. 26 meeting held by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers an…

Little has changed since last week when we reported on the fence erected on the beach and into the water at Hill Tide Est…

The Friends of Boca Grande Community Center has been notified by J…

The Boca Grande Camera Club’s first Field Trip of the season will …

An open letter from the Boca Grande Health Clinic By Raymond James DO, Boca Grande Health Clinic The pandemic has c…

Robert Dietrich Kunisch of Boca Grande and Lutherville, Md..was born on July 7,1941 in Norwalk, Conn.. to Margaret Dietri…

The Lemon Bay Conservancy and partners are proud to announce that after a decade of hard work, committed partnerships, a …

The Boca Grande Health Clinic will offer drive-thru COVID-19 vaccine clinics for our registered patients and Island emplo…

John P. McGarry Jr. of Bedford, NY and Boca Grande, passed away peacefully at home on October 7, 2021, at age 81, after a…