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September 24, 2021
To the Editor: We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Boca Grande Clinic, its doctors, nurses and staff. What a comfort to be able to turn to them for solid advice a…

September 17, 2021
BY THOMAS J ERVIN MD BOCA GRANDE HEALTH CLINIC A cardinal prerequisite for a successful career in science is the willingness to be willing to change one’s mind as to the answer to a hypothesis…

September 17, 2021
September 11, 2021, marked the 20th anniversary of four coordinated terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda, an Islamist extremist group, against the United States. The attacks began at 8:46 a.m. on September…

September 10, 2021
To the Editor: The Lee Board of County Commissioners today announced the schedule for public meetings at which the community can provide input on the redistricting process and launched a website…

August 13, 2021
This is an editorial piece. It does not reflect information given by medical professionals, only experiences lived by the writer. On September 11, 2020 I sat at this same desk and wrote an editor…

July 23, 2021
The National Register of Historic Places topic has been beaten into the ground since it began last year. No one knows this better than me, trust me. We may (or may not) be coming to some sort of clo…

July 6, 2021
To the Editor: This morning I saw a vehicle driving over a tortoise nest. I went down to check on the nest and scared the tortoise right back into it. He was gorgeous, with a yellow and green mottled…

July 6, 2021
To the Editor: Professional captains with a U.S.C.G. license are required to pass a rigorous exam demon, demonstrating their knowledge of the rules of navigation. Since Florida does not require such…

June 26, 2021
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Barry Hurt of Little Gasparilla Island has been studying the effects of red tide on our waters and economic system for several years, and he thinks he has come up with a plan to m…

May 30, 2021
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – I realize a lot of you have questions about who owns what land and beach down by Hill Tide Estates. Our story from last week that talked about security cameras and guards saying “…