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April 12, 2019
To the Editor: Barrier Island Parks Society (BIPS) extends a heartfelt thank you for helping to make our 2019 Green Gala “Call of the Islands” a great success! We raised over $84,000 dollars, thanks…

April 12, 2019
To the Editor: On behalf of the Hope for Haitian Committee of Boca Grande, we want to thank all our donors for their support in this year’s campaign. Our goal is to build 50 houses for those poverty-…

April 12, 2019
To the Editor: My personal experience at the Boca Grande Health Clinic regarding efforts to detect existing medical disorders such as depression, imbalance, memory loss, high blood pressure, obesity…

April 5, 2019
The red tide organism, Karenia brevis, was observed at background concentrations in Southwest Florida over the past week. In Southwest Florida over the past week, K. brevis was observed at background…

April 5, 2019
To the Editor: License-free fishing days provide an excellent opportunity for those who don’t yet have a fishing license to experience fishing, take youth fishing, or for avid anglers to introduce a…

April 5, 2019
To the Editor: The Charlotte County Property Appraiser is now accepting 2020 exemption applications. Homestead exemption applications can be filed online. Visit for further instructio…

April 5, 2019
To the Editor: Last Saturday Boca Grande celebrated the 2019 Boca Grande Woman’s Club Spring Fair, “Safari.” Nearly 100 volunteers participated with us. Starting with the much-anticipated annual bike…

March 29, 2019
To the Editor: The Boca Grande Woman’s Club would like to thank members of the Lemon Bay High School girls’ basketball team for helping with the March 16th Dog Show.  We so appreciate the LBHS “lady…

March 29, 2019
To the Editor: On March 8, while reading the latest edition of the News-Press, I was surprised to see an article by Commissioner Frank Mann titled, “Eslick bridge removal is a Lee Commission’s rules…

March 29, 2019
To the Editor: In Boca Grande, where seasons blur and winter is not cold, spring did nonetheless decidedly begin on March 21, with a beautiful, colorful and exciting floral display. At the sixth annu…