Fishing for sustenance, cherishing adventures on the water
October 31, 2024
Lost and shaken
From as far back as I can remember, my life revolved around fishing. If I wasn’t participating, I was dreaming about it. I was consumed with fishing, and many of my first vivid m…
EcoWatch: Hurricane impacts on wildlife and animals
October 25, 2024
“Whenever there’s human devastation, there’s animal devastation. If people can’t get out, animals can’t get out!”
Sierra Club, Environmental Organization
The extreme effects of Hurricanes Hele…
After a storm, hope for the quiet waters of October
October 3, 2024
Editor’s Note: Van Hubbard was up in North Carolina, on vacation, when the flood waters came up to his cabin. He came through the storm, only to find his house flooded here.
The bill came due for…
EcoWatch: A change – good eco news
September 26, 2024
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead, American cultural anthropologist, author, and s…
And then there were 10: Turtle patrol winding down nest checks
September 26, 2024
And then there were ten. Yes, the BGSTA turtle patrollers are down to the last ten incubating nests on the island. Eight loggerhead and two green turtle nests. The last observed hatch was weeks ago…
Tanks for the Memories: The evolution of water storage on the island
September 26, 2024
The late Capt. Fred Futch once said that although many people say the biggest change to the island came from the building of the bridge, he thought it was the formation of the wate…
Help prevent water pollution
September 26, 2024
Marine pollution is an increasing threat to the overall health of Florida. It makes a negative impact in many ways, and it comes from many sources. Many types…
EcoWatch: News reports ignore perinatal manatee deaths
September 19, 2024
“Consider the number of manatee deaths so far this year. Redesignating the manatee as endangered, which provides for the highest levels of federal protection and conservation efforts, is critical.”…
We were once among America’s greatest fisheries
September 19, 2024
Please consider that water quality issues have reduced fish stocks, and the significant influx of residents and visitors has reduced water quality. Businesses are eager to grab all this easy-growth…
Of 83 eggs, 36 had hatched. The day was looking up: Turtle Watch
September 19, 2024
Only 17 nests remain as of September 14! Of those, 14 are loggerhead and three are green turtle nests. Since September 8, we have seen eight nests either hatch or…