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Sports & Outdoors

July 22, 2022
Sometimes it takes a special occasion – or a special person – to slow down the tarpon captains of Whidden’s Marina during the tail end of tarpon season. But this past weekend they had a good enough…

July 21, 2022
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July 15, 2022
Between late April and July, Boca Grande Pass hosts anglers from all over the world. Not only is it the time that tarpon spawn, but silver kings congregate here, some from hundreds of miles away, to…

July 1, 2022
Waylon makes history with the most buckles under his belt Capt. Waylon Mills got together with the Boca Grande Fishing Guides’ Association and a few close friends and family to celebrate his four…

June 24, 2022
Anyone who disputes the power of Boca Grande’s fishing families need only witness the events of the evening of Saturday, June 18. A very stormy, rough day that left many anglers (and tournament admi…

June 24, 2022
Submitted by Don Elford If you live in the Cape Haze area, you have certainly observed many cyclists while you are out and about. There are many groups of riders and solo riders living or visitin…

June 24, 2022
To the Editor: Gasparilla island Maritime Museum hosted The Howl at The Moon tournament on last Saturday  night. The evening storms veered to the east and the tarpon bite was on  immedi…

June 24, 2022
The intrepid staff of the Boca Beacon took off last Sunday afternoon for a few hours of team-building and camaraderie. We were not informed which boat would be taking us out, so we were highly impre…

June 24, 2022