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August 5, 2016
To the Editor: “All for one and one for all.” Funny, that seems to be the battle cry of people like me. But hey, I guess it’s the battle cry of anyone who takes a side on any issue. Now, I haven’t hi…

July 29, 2016
■ STAFF REPORT      Do you have fond memories of a particular stay at The Gasparilla Inn & Club? Maybe you have a fantastic photograph that showcases that memory? This is officially your last cal…

July 29, 2016
■ BY SUE ERWIN      Boca Grande Farmers Market Founder Shauna Lee Lange is hoping for a successful 2016-2017 season – even if it is only half a season. This month, representatives of Lee County infor…

July 29, 2016
■ BY SUE ERWIN      It’s very unusual to see a sea turtle stop off at the beach in the middle of the day to lay her eggs, but that’s exactly what happened on the beach around 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Jul…

July 29, 2016
■ STAFF REPORT        When September rolls around and the Florida Press Association holds its annual convention, the Boca Beacon crew will be looking to win or place in five categories. It was announ…

July 29, 2016
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE      Several men and a dog set out from Pineland Marina in Bokeelia on Wednesday, July 27 in a continuing search for a swimmer missing from Boca Grande waters. The missing boy’s f…

July 29, 2016
■ BY SUE ERWIN       If you haven’t met the newest staff member at the Friends of Boca Grande Community Center, you’ll want to read more about this week’s profile candidate, Jessica Smith. Jessica, 2…

July 29, 2016
Jason Maughan is vying for the District 27 Florida Senate seat currently held by Lizbeth Benacquisto. He has issued a challenge to his District 27 Florida Senate opponent to sign the Now or Neverglad…

July 29, 2016
To the Editor: I was disappointed to read the editorial, “The parking-challenged ghosts of Boca Grande” on July 22nd. I found it mean-spirited and inaccurate, seemingly intended to foster an antagoni…

July 22, 2016
          The traffic shift that was scheduled to shift traffic to the new northbound lanes on CR 771 (Gasparilla Road) from Rotonda Boulevard to SR 776 on July 20 has been moved to the week of…