Mills takes first, Coleman takes second in Red Gill Tournament to benefit the Maritime Museum
June 9, 2021
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Capt. Waylon Mills has been a quiet contender so far this year … at least until Sunday, May 30 when he and his team aboard Blaze took first place in the annual Red Gill Tarpon Tou…
A fitting honor for a tremendous lady: Room in Community Center named after the late Dee Wheeler
June 9, 2021
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – On Thursday, May 20, a sign was quietly placed on the wall of one of the rooms of the Boca Grande Community Center, but in that quiet moment a legacy was honored. The new name for…
Have you seen the Clinic’s new website? It was designed just for you
June 8, 2021
BY MARK DRISCOLL, CEO OF THE BOCA GRANDE HEALTH CLINIC – Just a little over five months ago, we launched Boca Grande Health Clinic’s newly redesigned website – – with a goal to provide our…
Island School graduates to parade through town, Boca Grande Preschool graduates make a visit their new school
June 8, 2021
STAFF REPORT – On Thursday, June 17 everyone is welcome to celebrate graduating Island School students Bradford Boney Jr., David Chatham, Calan Hammond, Elizabeth Hawthorne and Lannie Whitley as they…
GICIA celebrates 50-year anniversary with restoration of walking path curbing
June 8, 2021
SUBMITTED BY THE GICIA – The Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association is pleased to announce that the work to restore the GICIA Walking Path began on Tuesday, June 1. The 3.5-mile s…
Local first responders kept busy this Memorial Day weekend
June 8, 2021
STAFF REPORT – The Boca Grande Fire Department, Lee County EMS and the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office was busy this past Memorial Day weekend with multiple calls that included a golf cart accident…
Local woman who donated kidney gets to see how her gift of life saved a very grateful Clearwater man
June 8, 2021
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Last year we brought you the story of a South Gulf Cove woman, Jennifer Stanton, who had given the gift of life to an anonymous person in need: In an action of sheer bravery and s…
SPECIAL HEALTH SEGMENT: The quest for a good night’s sleep
June 8, 2021
“To sleep, perchance to dream – ay, there’s the rub …”
– Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
BY T MICHELE WALKER -Ah, that elusive night’s sleep. A good night’s sleep, or rather, the process of getting t…
PROFILE: Deputy David Scozzafava
June 9, 2021
BY T MICHELE WALKER – If you find yourself in town and you see a new face in a Lee County Sheriff’s Office vehicle, make sure to give it a big Boca wave. Chances are it’s our new Deputy Sheriff, Davi…
A great gift for Father’s Day, a great choice for our water: Help us conquer the 1,000 Mini Reef challenge!
June 4, 2021
BY T MICHELE WALKER AND MARCY SHORTUSE – If you’re looking for a perfect Father’s Day gift sometimes the simplest things can bring the most pleasure, and can bring about the most change. That is cert…