The Rib Feast was highly successful, thanks!
To the Editor: The Boca Grande Firefighters would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who came out for…
Thanks to you, we will have our pavilion sun screen
To the Editor: Before much more time slips away from me, I would like to thank the Boca Grande community for rising…
OBITUARY: Richard P.C. Fitzgerald
Richard P.C. Fitzgerald, born May 9, 1928 in Boston, Mass., died peacefully after a lengthy illness on March 2, 2016 in Sara…
PTTS announces no tournaments in 2016, Izaak Walton Club to be resurrected
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE – This week the Professional Tarpon Tournament Se…
Rubio takes Boca Grande’s primary, Kasich second
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE Marco Rubio may not have been terribly popular an…
Beloved bird lady says ‘good-bye’ to Boca Grande
■ BY SUE ERWIN Standing on the stage with E.T., the great horned owl by her side, wildlife rescuer Doris Mager informed the…
BIPS to hold public meeting regarding Range Light
■ BY SUE ERWIN The Barrier Islands Parks Society held a meeting on Monday, March 14 to discuss progress on seasonal fundrais…
The Rib Feast was highly successful, thanks!
To the Editor: The Boca Grande Firefighters would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who came out for our Rib…
PROFILE: Linda Wolcott
■ By Susan Erwin Island artist Linda Wolcott remembers what it was like at a very young age to come for the first time to vi…
Super Tuesday coming to a polling place near you
■ STAFF REPORT While many residents will be waiting for Super Tuesday to roll around to vote in the primary election, almost…