Friendly island face seeking help to send WWII vet to ceremony
Cathy Joel has never served in the military, but she hopes to send her neighbor, a Pearl Harbor survivor, to…
Help support Tank’s Legacy, and let’s find Frankie a new home
Saving the lives of unwanted animals is a costly and daunting task, but one tireless island restaurant o…
Profile: Dr. Bill Heisel
Dr. Bill Heisel’s home art studio in Boca Grande is filled with colorful oil paintings that line the wal…
Celebrate World Ocean’s Day with Mote on June 4
To the Editor:
Come celebrate our connection to the ocean during…
Letter to the Editor: I don’t think you understand what I meant
To the Editor: After my letter to the editor in the Boca Beacon appea…
GIWA pleased to report island water passed all federal & state requirements
BY BONNIE PRINGLE, GASPARILLA ISLAND WATER ASSOCIATION – Gasparilla Island Water Association, Inc. (GIWA) is pleased to pres…
Hill Tide Estates closer to development
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – The proposed development called Hill Tide Estates is a little closer to fruition. On Thursday, April 28…
Body of boater missing in local waters found
A boater missing since late last week in local waters was discovered in Charlotte Harbor near Burnt Store Marina on Sunday…
Will the real lens please step forward?
BY SHARON MCKENZIE, BARRIER ISLAND PARKS SOCIETY – While researching the original lens for Gasparilla Island Light, it came…
Hey kids, it’s time to fish this Saturday!
Lee County Parks & Recreation and the Boca Beacon have teamed up once again to bring you a youth fishing tournament this…