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F or years, the ecological wellbeing of Boca Grande’s plant life has been one of Rick Joyce’s favorite endeavors. Boca G…

BY ARLENE HALL, BGSTA SECRETARY  As of August 31, the BGSTA turtle patrollers have officially phased out of monitoring t…

There was a time not too long ago when many local state agricultural offices, particularly in suburban areas, were interest…

BY THE BOCA GRANDE HEALTH CLINIC Loneliness is more common than y…

“The lessons here are that wind power is not environmentally friendl…

Bella Vida is serving up smoothies, avocado toast, breakfast and lunch. Gianne is enjoying a salted caramel latte and Iris…

The Englewood Chamber of Commerce announces the Pioneer Parade Grand Marshals for 2024. Pictured are Doug Izzo, Chamber of…

BY ARLENE HALL, BGSTA SECRETARY  With no new crawls this past week, it is almost certain that we have seen the end of th…

The Lee Board of County Commissioners will hold two public budget hearings in September on the proposed Fiscal Year 2024-25…

This Wednesday, Aug. 28, the Boca Grande Health Clinic appeared in front of a Lee County Hearing Examiner to discuss parkin…