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■ STAFF REPORT Florida native bats will be exhibited at a presentation today. RSVP at barrierislandparks The pr…

■ BY SUE ERWIN The Lee County Mosquito Control District held its regular meeting on Thursday, Oct. 17 in Lehigh Acres. Accor…

■ STAFF REPORT If you have someone special to you who has served in the U.S.  military and you’d like to honor and recognize…

■ BY FRIENDS OF CAYO COSTA The annual Celebrate Cayo Costa State Park…

■ PROVIDED BY GASPARILLA VACATIONS From now until March 15, 2020, a l…

■ BY MELISSA CSANK Nancy Lingeman may be gone, but she has most definitely not been forgotten by the many people whose lives…

■ BY SUE ERWIN The Boca Grande Sea Turtle Association announced the final numbers for the 2019 nesting season. Greens had a…

Royal “Rooky” Firman III passed away in Denver, Colorado on October 12, 2019 at the age of 71. Born in Cleveland, Ohio to Ro…

■ BY SUE ERWIN Englewood native Bradley Fuson has held several positions at the Loose Caboose Restaurant for the past four y…

To the Editor: As a member of the Boca Grande Club and a frequent visitor to the island, I feel compelled to register a comp…