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BY DALY WALKER, MD – I would like to commend those of you who have been practicing social distancing. The results of your sa…

BY OLIVIA CAMERON – There is a large amount of misinformation circulating regarding the Coronavirus pandemic. Medical expert…

Executive Order 20-91, Section 3 “Essential Activities states: “For purposes of this Order and the conduct it limits, “essen…

Dustin Ray Hogan, born May 12, 1984 in Sarasota, recently passed away…

BY LAUREN HANA, MD – It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the incredibl…

BY OLIVIA CAMERON – The 2020 Census is said to determine the outcome of our future here in the U.S. The Census Bureau strive…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE – The first week of virtual schooling for The Island School and the Charlotte County School System is in t…

As children, many of us had “fairy god mothers, secret santas or maybe the tooth fairy. They were special envoys sent to che…

BY OLIVIA CAMERON – Francis ‘Skip’ Branin has dedicated his work to preserving financial stability within the community of…

Helen Thrash Fraser passed away at home on March 20, 2020. She was born in 1930 to Dorothy Louise King and Charles Wilson Th…