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BY T MICHELE WALKER – After 16 years of service to the Boca Grande and southwest Florida community, Blanche Vedette is turni…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE – To say that 2021 has been a year of ups and downs for the graduating class of Lemon Bay High School is a…

SUBMITTED BY THE GICIA – In 1985 the Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association completed construction of th…

Jerry Edmond Jackson, 73, of Thomaston Ga., passed away Saturday May…

BY T MICHELE WALKER – Some things just run in the family. It’s not un…

Dear Editor and generous friends of Royal Palm Players: In June of 2019 I began my two-year term as president of Royal Palm…

To the Editor: The first tournament of the season started off with a fun night of fishing for 22 boats filled with ladies fi…

BY MARK DRISCOLL, CEO OF THE BOCA GRANDE HEALTH CLINIC – This week is Patient Experience Week (April 26-30) and we wanted to…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE – The Gasparilla Island Municipal Service Benefit Unit, a.k.a. the “iguana panel,” held their regularly sc…

BY MARCY SHORTUSE – While no sea turtle nests have been found yet this season on Gasparilla Island, May 1 heralds the beginn…