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The United States Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District will make releases from the east, west and south out of Lak…

You may have noticed a new byline in the Boca Beacon. Behind the byline is the latest addition to the Beacon staff, Anna Ri…

BY MARY BETH SCHNEIDER I should have died this past summer. Not the illness kind of death, but the drop-dead kind that m…

Response to last week’s letter from Ron Raedeke on their memories of…

Shorebird/seabird beach nesting season begins Feb. 15, 2024. Each ne…

Auction item donations continue to stream in for the March 2 Strawberry Festival. Last year, the big donation prize was a v…

About 17 Boca Grande citizens came out Saturday, Feb. 9 for a meeting at the Community Center on the situation with the U.S…

Look out for the March/April edition of Gasparilla Magazine, featuring stories on water aerobics, fly fishing and the Lemon…

The dates for upcoming Boca Grande tarpon tournaments have been set. “The tournaments” are a great tradition, said Betsy…

Jessica Pate, the lead scientist for the Florida Manta Project, will be in town on Thursday, Feb. 22 to speak on The Myster…