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Letters to the Editor

June 19, 2015
To the Editor: In our busy work-a-day world sometimes it’s easy to pass on pitching in when events are organized in and for our community. The assumption being that someone else will be at the ready…

June 12, 2015
To the Editor: In the course of events, both public and private, no one person or entity can possibly take sole credit for the success or failure of any undertaking. The event is the sum of so ma…

May 22, 2015
To the Editor: Suncoast Humane Society is excited to announce that its 2016 Pet Calendar Photo Contest has officially begun. Your pet’s photos could be featured on the front cover of this exclusi…

May 22, 2015
To the Editor: It’s that time of year again. The time when the lords and ladies assemble their baggage trains and go back to whatever magical kingdom they’re trying to make Boca Grande into. When…

May 15, 2015
To the Editor: I just read the reply to my letter to the editor from last week, from Mr. Regnery. It made me dizzy. The RPMs of that spin were off the scale. Unsubstantiated charges? Red H…

May 15, 2015
Gilchrist in the 1940s (The following was sent to Lee County Commissioners by Boca Grande resident Bill Regnery on May 11. By his request it is printed here) Gentlemen: I read Executive Di…

May 15, 2015
To the Editor: On behalf of the Board of Directors of Royal Palm Players, I want to thank the entire Boca Grande community for the unprecedented support we got for our 2014-2015 season. P…

May 15, 2015
To the Editor: We read in last week’s Boca Beacon that you have received a letter from the President of the Boca Grande Isles Property Owners’ Association stating that residents of the Isles were…

May 11, 2015
To the Editor: On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Johann Fust Library Foundation, I want to express our sincere appreciation to the community for your generous support and your partic…

May 11, 2015
To the Editor: The letter headlined “The Saga of” in the May 1 issue contained a series of unsubstantiated charges (Sunday confrontation) and misleading example (parkway plantings) which impe…