Letters to the Editor
Letter to the Editor: A big Ladies Day ‘thanks’
July 3, 2015
To the Editor: The Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce’s 25th Annual Ladies Day Tarpon Tournament had a successful outcome with a field of 38 boats and 18 total tarpon released, double the amount…
CCSO: Things you need to know for July 4th
July 3, 2015
To the Editor: It is only a few days until the beginning of the July 4th weekend, so here are some things to bear in mind to help make it a safer and perhaps less stressful holiday.
Fireworks In…
Letter to the Editor: Greater amberjack size limit change approved by FWC
June 26, 2015
To the Editor: The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) today approved changing the minimum size limit for greater amberjack caught in Gulf of Mexico state waters from 30 inches fo…
Letter to the Editor: Sunscreen donations sought for troops
June 26, 2015
To the Editor: Once again, I have decided to help our American Heroes! I am sending Mary Kay Sunscreen Sets to our Troops overseas, and I will personally match every donation that is given, meaning…
Letter to the Editor: Many thanks for another successful Gasparilla Island Kids Classic
June 19, 2015
To the Editor: The Board of Directors of Boca Grande Charities, Inc. would like to thank everyone for making the Gasparilla Island Kids Classic Tarpon Tournament such a great success. In five short…
Letter to the Editor: 2015 Charlotte County homeless point-in-time count
June 19, 2015
To the Editor: The Homeless Coalition’s 2015 Point-in-Time Count indicates that across Charlotte County during a 24-hour time period, 548 people were considered homeless, as defined by the federal H…
Letter to the Editor: Volunteers are the key to event success
June 19, 2015
To the Editor: In our busy work-a-day world sometimes it’s easy to pass on pitching in when events are organized in and for our community. The assumption being that someone else will be at the ready…
Thank you for another successful World’s Richest!
June 12, 2015
To the Editor: In the course of events, both public and private, no one person or entity can possibly take sole credit for the success or failure of any undertaking.
The event is the sum of so m…
Your pet could be a calendar star
May 22, 2015
To the Editor:
Suncoast Humane Society is excited to announce that its 2016 Pet Calendar Photo Contest has officially begun. Your pet’s photos could be featured on the front cover of this exclusi…
Wherefore art thou, sweet Aunt Bea?
May 22, 2015
To the Editor:
It’s that time of year again. The time when the lords and ladies assemble their baggage trains and go back to whatever magical kingdom they’re trying to make Boca Grande into. When…