Letters to the Editor
Beach-access resident rebuts last week’s editorial
July 29, 2016
To the Editor: I was disappointed to read the editorial, “The parking-challenged ghosts of Boca Grande” on July 22nd. I found it mean-spirited and inaccurate, seemingly intended to foster an antagoni…
Thank you all for making Ladies Mix & Match a great day!
July 22, 2016
To the Editor: Ladies Draw: Mix and Match Tarpon Tournament was so much fun! Congrats to our winners! First-place winners on the Tracy Lynn with Capt. Willie Mills were Kalee Joiner, Candy Brooks, Le…
Voting should never be a burden, an inconvenience or a problem
July 15, 2016
■ BY CARMEN SALOME When Lyndon Johnson was shepherding the landmark civil rights bills through Congress in 1964 … laws banning discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, or national or…
Clean up on 13th Street, please …
July 15, 2016
To the Editor: I often wonder if some folks here ponder … Now that I have purchased a very expensive slice of paradise, how do I make sure that I can get a little more for free? On Gilchrist they d…
What you took was more than just a tree – for shame
July 15, 2016
To a Thief: For shame! Did you have to sneak around in the middle of the night lest you be seen by my neighbors as you stole my miniature pine tree from an urn in front of my home? That little pine h…
Due process for all is good, but what about this slippery slope?
July 10, 2016
To the Editor: There’s been a lot of news in the past few weeks. I would like to throw in my two cents. Anyone who thought the Beacon’s editorials were left-leaning should reread my friend Marcy’s ed…
UK visitors receive not-so-friendly welcome to island
July 8, 2016
To the Editor: Hello to you. My husband, Mick and I have been coming to the Island for over the past seven years, We live in the UK and regularly visit Boca Grande, This year on Father’s Day we decid…
Encouragement appreciated during search for swimmer
July 1, 2016
To the Editor: As everyone is aware, on the afternoon of Saturday, June 18, the Boca Grande Fire Department responded to a call for a missing swimmer at the Range Light. With other similar calls work…
Reader not enthused with Sheriff Scott’s statement
July 1, 2016
To the Editor: This is in response to the editorial in the Beacon last week by Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott. No one is denying people the right to protect themselves, but this had nothing to do with…
Everyone should have the right to protect themselves
June 24, 2016
■ BY LEE COUNTY SHERIFF MIKE SCOTT In predictable fashion, President Obama and his acolytes immediately responded to the recent tragedy in Orlando by blaming guns. In turn, gun and ammo sales skyroc…