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Letters to the Editor

August 28, 2020
To the Editor: On Monday, August 24, 2020, the notice below was mailed to voters who have requested a Vote-by-Mail ballot for the November 3, 2020, General Election.

August 21, 2020
To the Editor: We are proud to unveil our brand new “Charlotte County Records” website, a robust and easy to use online system which allows you to search and view County documents from 1921-pres…

August 21, 2020
To the Editor: Gulf Coast Community Foundation is still accepting applications for the first-ever entirely virtual Gulf Coast Board Institute. The deadline to apply for this high-level nonprofit g…

August 14, 2020
BY C.W. BLOSSER AND BEN ABES- Providing for the safety and welfare is an essential focus of local government. Lee County’s Department of Public Safety, in partnership with the Lee County Sheriff’s Of…

August 7, 2020
To the Editor: The Lee Board of County Commissioners today authorized the next round of LeeCARES programs to assist individuals, families and businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Board a…

July 24, 2020
To the Editor: At a press conference earlier this week, Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium leadership provided exciting updates regarding the planned Mote Science Education Aquarium (Mote SEA) at…

July 17, 2020
To the Editor: Over the next month voters will cast their ballots for the Republican nominee for State Senate. In order to make an informed decision, voters need to know what a candidate believes and…

July 10, 2020
To the Editor: The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is announcing the sixth annual Lionfish Removal and Awareness Festival Sept.12 and 13 at AJ’s Seafood and Oyster Bar and HarborWal…

July 3, 2020
To the Editor: Charlotte County welcomes anglers and non-anglers participating in the statewide CCA Florida STAR competition, July 1- Oct. 4. Participants are competing for almost $500,000 in prizes…

July 3, 2020
To the Editor: About 20 years ago a friend of ours brought his son over to our house. His son had recently had an operation that left him partly paralyzed from the waist down.   While we were sitting…