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Letters to the Editor

January 5, 2023
To the Editor, All monies raised during the current Habitat for Humanity “Dollar for Dollar” match will go directly into building homes for families like Jennifer Morales and her children. Jen…

December 29, 2022
To the Editor: As preparations are made to ring in the new year, the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office wishes to remind Florida residents that the private use of fireworks is legal on three holid…

December 29, 2022
To the Editor: More than $4.4 billion in federal grants, disaster loans and flood insurance payments have been provided to the state of Florida and to households affected by Hurricane Ian. But ti…

December 22, 2022
To the Editor: The Gasparilla Island Maritime Museum and Whidden’s Marina would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and happy holiday season. A special thank you to Sandy Melvin and B…

December 9, 2022
To the Editor: I just picked up a copy of Gasparilla Island magazine with the cover photo of Banyan Street. I very often proudly profess that Mark and I were the first couple to be married on…

December 8, 2022
To the Editor:   The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has retained Atkins Global to conduct a study in Florida to better understand the impacts of long-term stored ves…

December 1, 2022
To the Editor:   I just wanted to say thank you for publishing the letter to the editor entitled “I’m Fine.” I just had a chance to read it this week, and the author hit the nail on the head…

November 23, 2022
To the Editor: Following Hurricane Ian’s landfall, vessel owners were given a 45-day grace period to bring derelict vessels into compliance or remove them from state waters. The grace period ende…

November 23, 2022
To the Editor:   This Thanksgiving we are thankful for PCI Construction for taking our store from destroyed to dazzling in 45 days. We are thankful for the United Methodist Church and the…

November 17, 2022
To the Editor: Lee County Property Appraiser Matt Caldwell announced today the addition of aerial photography to the Property Appraiser’s website ( for access by taxpayers, appraisers…