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November 8, 2019
■ BY MARY BESS We need to understand the spark of divinity within human beings who put their lives at risk to benefit others. Of particular interest are those who commit acts of heroism for which th…

November 1, 2019
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE While it might be nice once a year to feel like you’re getting an extra hour of sleep, waking up in the dark isn’t the easiest thing for a lot of us to do. For kids who have to ge…

November 1, 2019
To the Editor: Two weeks ago my wife suffered a cardiopulmonary arrest in our home. The 911 emergency system functioned perfectly. The Boca Grande Fire Department, Shift A, under the command of Lt. C…

October 25, 2019
To the Editor: As a member of the Boca Grande Club and a frequent visitor to the island, I feel compelled to register a complaint regarding an inconvenience to traffic yesterday (October 17) caused b…

October 25, 2019
To the Editor: In your article you mention: “After all, if people can’t find a place to sit down, they will park as close as possible to the business. This compounds the problem.” The same happens in…

October 25, 2019
To the Editor: The Gasparilla Mallet Club is holding weekly “get to know the game” sessions with free croquet instructional clinics for prospective members every Monday at 3:30, as well as a “golf” c…

October 18, 2019
The Florida Department of Health in Lee County (DOH-Lee) today advised residents there has been an increase in mosquito-borne disease activity in areas of Lee County. Several sentinel chicken flocks…

October 18, 2019
To the Editor: Lemon Bay High School Theatre Troupe 0257 commences its first season under the guidance of its new Director Sarah Ballard-Richardson with the performance of the classic holiday season…

October 11, 2019
To the Editor: Learn more about fossils and receive half-price admission to The Bishop as we celebrate National Fossil Day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 19. This year we are thrilled to fe…

October 11, 2019
To the Editor: The Literature Forum will inaugurate its 2019-20 season on Thursday, November 7 with a presentation of “The Mercy Seat” by Elizabeth Winthrop. This brutally incisive and tender novel i…