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January 17, 2020
To the Editor: I want to say thank you for all of your help. You are so nice to tell others about my book. I could not have had the opportunities with out your help. You guys do such a great job each…

January 10, 2020
To the Editor: For the good of the community, let’s reduce or eliminate leaf blower usage around Boca Grande. We all come here to enjoy family and friends, the outdoors, and the peace and quiet and b…

January 10, 2020
To the Editor: I salute you for your efforts to shine some light on the serious erosion of Boca Grande’s character presently taking place along the seawall in town. We all have a lot to lose here.  T…

January 10, 2020
To the Editor: I just read your editorial column in the recent Boca Beacon. I too am appalled at the circumstances of handling that “death situation.” I am retired from a 40-year career in cardiology…

January 9, 2020
To the Editor: My name is Mike Sheehan and my wife Kathy and I have been owners in the Boca Grande Club for 30+ years. I have never written to the Beacon before but after reading your editorial of th…

January 3, 2020
To the Editor: Distracted and impaired driving are more prevalent this time of year. Whether you are heading to dinner or home from a celebration, please remember to drive sober. It’s important to be…

January 3, 2020
To the Editor: INCOMING EMERGENCY MESSAGE: There has been a disturbance in the Force and the IMAG is tasked with bringing back balance. The IMAG History & Science Center is hosting a Star-Wars th…

December 27, 2019
■ BY MARCY SHORTUSE In another classic case of “don’t kill the messenger,” our Boca Beacon Facebook page went a little nuts last week regarding our article about the orange rocks on The Promenade at…

December 27, 2019
To the Editor and all users of Gasparilla Road: I am so saddened every time I see a dead bird on the side of the road, an obvious victim of a car strike. I want to make people aware of the fact that…

December 27, 2019
To the Editor: Responding to the article the “Gift: published 12-20-19. God’s “Gift of Grace is revealed in the bible in John 3:16 and Ephesians 2:8 & 9 which states – For it is by Grace you have…