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November 26, 2021
Over the past several months many of you joined me in voicing our displeasure with the future management plan for Lake Okeechobee, known as LOSOM. Last spring, the Army Corps of Engineers offered a…

November 26, 2021
They say that everyone is expendable, when it comes to a job. No matter how well you do it, how long you’ve been there, whether there’s no one else there who even remotely has a clue as to how to do…

October 22, 2021
To the Editor: The Literature Forum is back and looking forward to inaugurating its 2021-22 season on Thursday, November 4th, with a presentation of “Circe” by Madeline Miller.  This follow-…

August 13, 2021
This is an editorial piece. It does not reflect information given by medical professionals, only experiences lived by the writer. On September 11, 2020 I sat at this same desk and wrote an editor…

July 23, 2021
The National Register of Historic Places topic has been beaten into the ground since it began last year. No one knows this better than me, trust me. We may (or may not) be coming to some sort of clo…

May 30, 2021
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – I realize a lot of you have questions about who owns what land and beach down by Hill Tide Estates. Our story from last week that talked about security cameras and guards saying “…

March 27, 2021
BY AARON ADAMS – What used to be an expansive seagrass flat, is now a mix of open sand and thick algae. The cancer of too many nutrients is spreading throughout Charlotte Harbor. This does not bode w…

March 13, 2021
SUBMITTED BY THE GICIA – As the Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association celebrates its 50th Anniversary working to preserve island life, it is the perfect time to reflect on its be…

February 27, 2021
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Just across the little bridge by the Fishery is a 91-acre piece of land that for many of us is a piece of old Florida eye candy. You’ll recognize the parcel I mean by mentionin…

January 29, 2021
SUBMITTED BY THE LEMON BAY CONSERVANCY – As we celebrate our 50th Anniversary, Lemon Bay Conservancy (LBC) is delighted to announce the opening of our newly restored Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve…