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May 8, 2020
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – If you were to go back in a time machine to February 1 and be able to talk to the person you were back then, imagine the conversation you would have. Things we never thought wer…

April 3, 2020
BY I am writing this on April Fools’ Day. Yet, none of us are fools during this time. The rise of COVID-19 has given all of us time to think and process. For my spouse Joy and I, we have taken a li…

March 27, 2020
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – It seems like each week we experience a new phase in the COVID-19 crisis. From a lack of groceries to a constant battle with ourselves not to touch our faces, so many every day …

March 20, 2020
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Last week in this same spot on the front page we had two cancellations in our social calendar, with a mention of a third, due to COVID-19 concerns. This week the spot is taken u…

March 20, 2020
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Did you ever think things would get this crazy? Just a couple of weeks ago we were worried about things that seem so inconsequential now. Whether you believe this virus threat i…

February 28, 2020
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Rumor around the watering hole is that the “new” Boca Grande Dog Park is already open for business, fences be hanged. It’s a good feeling to know the tradition will be carrying …

February 14, 2020
SUBMITTED BY SUNCOAST HUMANE SOCIETY – Suncoast Humane Society (SHS) is charged up to complete their Capital Campaign to build a new Animal Care Center, and they need you today. To gain even more m…

January 17, 2020
To the Editor: It’s hard to believe that a tiny group of local artists would start an art show 33 years ago which would become the incredible fine-art exhibit that it is today.  Everyone is getting…

January 17, 2020
To the Editor: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church is getting ready to send Valentine’s Day care packages to U.S. military troops serving in the Middle East, and your help is needed. The following items …

January 17, 2020
To the Editor: I want to say thank you for all of your help. You are so nice to tell others about my book. I could not have had the opportunities with out your help. You guys do such a great job ea…