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June 21, 2024
Many of us start fishing as kids, introduced by parents or grandparents. It seems to me the younger we are exposed to the outdoors the deeper it imprints. My first memories are about fishing. About…

June 20, 2024
BY CAPT. WILL WATERHOUSE  The rain and wind the past few weeks have limited the tarpon fishing, but it’s looking like the weather is going to settle down and we will be able to get back out in th…

June 20, 2024
“Sea turtles have stood the test of time. They are among the oldest living creatures on Earth. Their origins date back at least 110 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth. But plastic po…

June 20, 2024
BY ARLENE HALL BGSTA SECRETARY  The rainy weather system of the past week had some impact on the BGSTA’s turtle patrol activities as well as on established nests. Most mornings, the BGSTA volunte…

June 20, 2024
BY DR. BRET KUEBER, M.D. As an avid sportsman and a strong believer in the power of healthy living, I sometimes get questions about the role of electrolyte beverages in maintaining optimal hydrat…

June 13, 2024
BY CAPT. SANDY MELVIN A tropical low weather system moved over us this week bringing some much needed rain in abundance, but it has also put a damper on our tarpon fishing for a few days. When…

June 13, 2024
“The quality of a father can be seen in the goals, dreams, and aspirations he sets not only for himself but for his family.” Reed Markham, professor, and author of Communication at Dayton State C…

June 13, 2024
BY ARLENE HALL BGSTA SECRETARY  A stroll down the beaches from around 19th Street south to the parking lot by the state park will reveal some brightly colored stakes being used to protect incubat…

June 13, 2024
By ANDREW COLBURN, RTC BOCA GRANDE HEALTH CLINIC The summer is the perfect time to focus on your game’s fundamentals and ensure you’re in top shape for the next season. Whether you’re a seasoned…

June 13, 2024
First, I want to explain that fishery management is an impossible job. How do we accurately count multiple species of fish underwater, absorb the guessed numbers, compile it into functioning data, t…