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Sports & Outdoors

April 4, 2024
Capt. Brad Hickman can be reach at 941-716-3757 or p32Download

April 4, 2024
BY CAPT. JOE LACLAIR It’s been a couple good weeks of great spring fishing. With Easter coming early the number of people and boats on the water should slow way down and the lull before tarpon …

April 4, 2024
The dire warning above of sea creatures dying continues to rise. In fact, the ongoing saga of the continuous decline of the Atlantic right whale has taken a back seat in the news recently. The lat…

April 4, 2024
Sarah Kintner pulled in this unusually large bluefish from the Boca Grande backwater on March 24.                                                                    Photo by Glenn

April 4, 2024
On Wednesday, April 10 at 4:30 p.m., Paul Greenberg will speak on his book “Four Fish: The Future of the Last Wild Food.” Investigating the forces that get fish to our dinner tables, Paul revea…

April 4, 2024
The Charlotte County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board replaced their regular meeting with a tour of a few of the west county parks on Tuesday, April 2.   “People have lived here for yea…

April 4, 2024
Hank Irvine has recently returned home from the International Tennis Federation’s World Masters Team Tennis Championship with a silver medal. He plays as a member of the Zimbabwe team, which came …

April 4, 2024
Jerry Lorenz, state director of research for Florida Audubon, will be in Cape Haze to speak on roseate spoonbills on Thursday, April 11. “I had no intention of studying spoonbills, but as you s…

March 28, 2024
BY CAPT. WILL WATERHOUSE Lots of snook have moved into the back country! The last two weeks have been great fishing around Boca Grande, even in the high wind conditions. We are seeing lots of s…

March 28, 2024
Easter Sunday has always represented new life, a sign of rebirth and a time of hope for better days ahead as problems of the world swirl around us. It is more than the fluff of Easter things that …