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May 22, 2020
BY OLIVIA CAMERON – Local resident Daniel O’Connell has enjoyed spending his retirement on the bustling beaches of Boca Grande. The former law representative now serves the Barrier Island Parks Socie…

May 8, 2020
STAFF REPORT – Boca Grande resident Gina McFadden is the Vice President of the Boca Grande Art Center Board of Directors and also the Chair of their Membership Committee. She was born and raised in M…

May 1, 2020
Local Nancy Jo Powers, who now goes by Jo Powers, may be recognizable to avid fans of Island TV, the program that sheds light on public service announcements and provides coverage of local events. Wh…

April 24, 2020
BY OLIVIA CAMERON – Boca Grande resident Cappy Powell is the newest member of the Johann Fust Community Library program committee. From NCAA legislation service to community contribution, Cappy conti…

April 17, 2020
BY OLIVIA CAMERON – Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association board member John Edwardson came to Boca Grande as a jack of all trades. The former business leader also volunteers for…

April 10, 2020
BY OLIVIA CAMERON – Stage lights and scripts are familiar to Royal Palm Players’ actress Karen Snyder, who enjoys taking part in the entertainment aspect of Boca Grande. Before ever wintering on the…

April 3, 2020
BY OLIVIA CAMERON – Francis ‘Skip’ Branin has dedicated his work to preserving financial stability within the community of Boca Grande. His skillset has allowed him to monitor the funding for island…

March 27, 2020
BY OLIVIA CAMERON – Boca Grande’s Englewood Bank has just hired a new manager to keep their tellers in good hands. Gretchen Holla has been in the banking business since her career history began and s…

March 20, 2020
BY OLIVIA CAMERON – family, business, sports and nonprofit work in a partnership capacity was a way of life for Phil Hubbard long before he and his wife Patsy began to winter in Boca Grande.Growing u…

March 13, 2020
BY OLIVIA CAMERON If you thought the flare of the island would stop with the cops, think again. When a certain squad car rolls by the Loose Caboose, you can see the glitter of a pink steering wheel c…