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December 11, 2015
To the Editor: First of all, I want to publicly applaud Buzzy Stevenson and the GICIA for initiating the drive to save the Mercado property for the benefit of all Boca Grande. The outpouring of posi…

December 11, 2015
  To the Editor: I was disturbed at the gratuitous use of my name in the lengthy “Gilchrist timeline” article in the Beacon last week. I do not understand just what you were attempting to imply…

December 4, 2015
If you hear the word “Gilchrist” and cringe, you are not alone. As this season begins, the controversy is already starting to heat back up. Before you dive into the cocktail party circuit conversati…

December 4, 2015
BY SUE ERWIN – Island employee Dianne Pavia has worked as a cashier at Hudson’s Grocery for the past year. She is originally from Massachusetts and relocated to Rotonda West two years ago. “My twin s…

December 4, 2015
When our community comes together, we come together in a big way. As of our press date the Gasparilla Island Conservation and Improvement Association has raised more than $16 million dollars in two…

December 4, 2015
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – On Tuesday, Dec. 1 at around noon motorists had what some would refer to as a “bonding moment” when the new swing bridge, which was being tested by engineers, failed to swing shu…

December 4, 2015
BY SUE ERWIN – Finding out that your child has a brain tumor is unfathomable, but once the shock of the news has passed, the next course of action is to help them continue on with a joyous, happy li…

December 4, 2015
A traveling quartet from the Symphony will perform in the library’s gardens and loggia at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 10 at the Johann Fust Community Library.

December 4, 2015
SUBMITTED BY THE BOCA GRANDE GARDEN CLUB – The holidays are off to a “Grande” start at the Boca Grande Garden Club! On Wednesday, at its annual luncheon, the Club’s designers showed we can celebrate…

December 4, 2015
BY MARCY SHORTUSE – Just when I thought nothing more about the Gilchrist parking situation would surprise me, I found I was wrong. The proposal by the Gilchrist Neighborhood Association has really l…